
Writing Photography Rambling

July 29, 2004 6:28AM

  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

This entry is going to be much shorter than the ones you've been used to for this last little while (maybe), as nothing really happened today, except for the normal... stuff doesnt happen but I'm going to write for two hours about it and for some reason people are going to read it kinda stuff, I feel really sick (again) and there just isn't really anything to write about.. but what else is new around here. A couple things to mention though... I may go back after I'm finished and beef up these few paragraphs (which i did) after I feel better.. and perhaps a tad wee bit more creative. Sorry if the first part of this is lacking, but what the hell do you expect, you people aren't paying me much for this.. Only in hugs, snuggles and lollipops, happy thoughts filled with rainbows and sunshine and happy butterflies. Dammit people, I need cash!! You should know my address, start sending me money! Lots of it.. all the time. forever. I entertain! I dance, I sing, I swear a LOT... I'm an entertainer.. and NO, I will NOT take my clothes off... fucking sick bastards. Alright, let's just see what i can squeeze out of this ever so resistent mind of mine... *squeezes* oh.. well then..

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July 28, 2004 6:20AM

OMG I just ate Kiwi!! Somebody stick me!!
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

Final Fantasy 8 GuideFinal Fantasy 6 Character Guide Alright so about a year ago, when Linzie was first learning Final Fantasy 8, and I was playing through Final Fantasy 6, I wrote two articles/strategy guides for both games. The guide I wrote for Final Fantasy 8 kind of explains some of the strategy behind junctioning, and taking advantage of each specific characters natural strengths and abilities, by deciding which GF's to use, when to equip them, when to share them and so on... for those who haven't played the game, it's probably of very little interest to you, since it's not just general information, it's quite specific strategy. If you are thinking about playing the game, whether it be for the first time through or replaying it again, I suggest that you take a look at what I've written as I have played the game for countless hours (my last save was over 100 hours, with every character on Level 100, and all GF's maxed). So anyway, take a look at the guide to Final Fantasy 8 now. When I wrote the guide, I was totally 'in the zone' with the game, and really got to understand the little quirks and hidden features within it, and I'm still amazed that I actually wrote the guide, not someone else, because now that I haven't played the game in so long, I read over it and I'm like, "holy crap whoever wrote that knows what they're talking about!" heheh. On to Final Fantasy 6 though... this is a little less strategy writing... just a wee bit thrown in to give it purpose I suppose... it just quickly mentions each characters stat of choice, either physical attacks or magical attacks... based on which one the character is naturally good at, which espers they equip at level up will be important to figure out.. anyway, this article is much more of just a write up of each character and my own personal thoughts on them and just a few hints thrown in for good measure. Even people who haven't played the game could probably still take a look at this, at least to get a kind of idea of just how involving the world, the story and the characters become... you instantly fall in love with every aspect of every Final Fantasy.. it's amazing. So, here is the link to view the Final Fantasy 6 Article. go now! READ!!

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July 25, 2004 9:38PM

  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

Well it's been a few days since I've actually done a full update about what I've been up to... and although I don't feel like writing that much, I think I'm going to force myself to spit some of it out, just so no one yells at me for not updating enough... not that a lot has been going on, quite the opposite... my days are more or less the same, with last night being an exception, and the updates just wouldn't be different, quite pointless... so, let's see what I can manage to write. It won't be interesting, it'll be random, most likely out of chronilogical order but you bastards won't complain, because... because... bah. That's why. bah. It's hard to write sometimes (now being one of them) and it's hard to get stuff out of me... but I feel I need to.. so bare with me. I'll probably write a bit, then go back and fill in a bit more extra crap to make the paragraphs longer, but you, the innocent reader will never know, as I'll mostly update it once I think it's been udpated to satisfaction! aaaand, here we go.

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July 21, 2004 12:47PM

  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

I updated and uploaded my Game List which is now also accessable from the main menu now, under gaming. The list is still missing N64, GBA, SNES and NES, but has all the next gen consoles updated. Check it out.. and drool.. lots.

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July 18, 2004 5:39AM

Please don't.. Please. Don't.
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

Yes, it IS in fact very early in the morning and I have yet been to bed. I'm sitting here, waiting for my pills to kick in, before I can go to bed, and for some reason I don't even really want to update my website, but I'm forcing myself to so I have something to do, and so I can appease my demons. I try to force creativity out of myself before bed, as I find I rest better and have less intense nightmares if I do so... so I try to think of as many ways to make my entries more interesting (more images, more links and so on) and by the end I usually feel pretty drained and my sleep is bearable. Last night was... intense though... and you saw my entry. blah.. oh well, I'll just keep on going and pretending it works. I am getting much more use out of Adobe Photoshop now though, as I am editing images A LOT more to make the presentable and compatable with my site... so at least I don't feel like I'm wasting such an advanced and expensive program on just resizing a few images... I actually do things with it now! Yay for that! *claps*

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July 16, 2004 10:07PM

Final Wind Fantasy Waker 10!
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

Okay, well... You know what? I'm not going to even write about what's happened between my last 'real' update (as put by Dylan) and this one. Why? Because that would be a lot of fucking writing... and I'd just give up half way through and you people would never get an update out of me. Since you are so eaglerly awaiting said update, I shall commence the writing of a glorious and amazing paragraph which will enlighten you all to my lovely experiences.

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July 15, 2004 4:25PM

Where Do I Start... Where Do I End
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

Way too much has happened and just thinking about writing it seems like an impossible task. So.. I'm not going to yet. hah. losers.

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July 05, 2004 9:32PM

Unoriginal Bastards
  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

I was just reading some gaming news, when I saw a press release from a company about their game Dunegeon Lords, and I saw a summary of features, and I couldn't help but laugh at how they try to make everything sound so good and new and innovative, when really it's all been done a hundered times. Let's see.. I'll translate into what a gamer see's when he or she reads something like this:

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