Ultrasound 0.5
- I lived in Rodney
- I worked at Vicimus
- I'm married to Bekki
- Bekki is Pregnant
- I lived in Rodney
- I worked at Vicimus
- I'm married to Bekki
- Bekki is Pregnant
Today was our first ultrasound appointment, and it was pretty mind blowing.
Alright so you're supposed to go for your first ultrasound between 11 weeks and 13 weeks. Our estimation of how far along Bekki was, was 10 weeks or so, but the Doctor said we were 11 weeks. We went, and of course, they told us we're only at 10 weeks, and are not able to do the tests and measurements neccessary, and will have to go back. So on the surface, that sounds like it would be a depressing or upsetting situation, but I got to see my baby!